Christian & Small is proud to announce that our late partner, Bibb Allen, was recently inducted into the Alabama Lawyers’ Hall of Fame. Partner Richard E. Smith, who worked very closely with Allen, offers the following introduction to the remarks that Ed Sledge delivered during the induction ceremony.

Ozzie Newsome once said about Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant that there ought to be a Hall of Fame just for Coach Bryant and another Hall of Fame for everyone else. Those of us who knew and worked with our former partner, Bibb Allen, feel the same way about him. For me, Bibb was a mentor, role model and friend. Several of us from Christian & Small attended his induction ceremony into the Alabama Lawyers’ Hall of Fame, and we thought you would enjoy reading the citation prepared by Ed Sledge, which accompanied his induction. – Richard E. Smith, Partner

Bibb Allen

Bibb Allen
Bibb Allen

“Do justice, love, kindness and walk humbly with your God.” This verse, from Micah 6:8, was the answer Bibb Allen offered to young lawyers when he was asked to give them advice. Bibb Allen led by example.

Bibb Allen did justice. Allen is perhaps best known as one of the finest trial lawyers in Alabama. Having tried approximately 750 jury trials, mostly for civil defendant insurers and their insureds, Allen attained legendary status. He was involved in more than 100 reported cases dating from 1952 to 2006.

Bibb Allen did love. He loved the profession of law and lawyers, and gave to them both, serving as President of the Alabama State Bar, President of the Birmingham Bar Association, and President of the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association. He selflessly gifted fellow practitioners his wisdom, authoring the “Alabama Insurance Liability Handbook,” now known as “Allen’s Alabama Insurance Liability Handbook.” The handbook is considered the authoritative treatise on liability insurance issues in Alabama. The treatise continues his legacy to this date through his former law partners. Allen even found time to teach evening courses in Torts and Civil Procedure at the Birmingham School of Law for 30 years.

Bibb Allen was kind. After a particularly hard-fought case that resulted in a favorable judgment, Bibb instructed his law partner to take the client to celebrate. When asked why he wasn’t joining the client and trial team, Bibb said he wanted to talk to the opposing lead attorney. Bibb explained to his partner, “This was a really big case for her, and she wanted to win it so bad. Now that she has lost it, she is really hurting. She is worried about what her client and her partners will think of this outcome after telling them for the last three years how she was going to get a big verdict. I just want to see if I can cheer her up some before I join you.” Bibb told her that she tried a great case, that this was only the first round, and that she might win the case on appeal because he usually found some way to put some error in the record, and that she should not be disappointed because she gave it all she had to try to win the case. She didn’t win on appeal and may never have forgotten that loss, but likely never forgot his kindness. Win or lose, Bibb knew just what to say. There are many “Bibb Allen stories,” but this one captures the essence of the man.

Bibb Allen walked humbly with his God. Allen was inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers, the American Academy of Trial Lawyers, and the American Board of Trial Advocates. He received the Birmingham Bar Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association’s trial academy is named in his honor. Despite these accolades, Allen carried himself humbly as a servant of our country, our state, our community and his God. While many know the stories of this legendary trial lawyer, few are aware of his service to our country as a fighter pilot in WWII. In fact, years before he tried his first case, Bibb Allen left college to join the Army Air Corps. While in the Army Air Corps he flew over 100 missions throughout Europe and the Aleutian Islands. Allen provided air support for the U.S. forces successful D-Day invasion of Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. He was shot down twice. For his service, Allen received seven Bronze Stars, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Belgian Croix de Guerre. After the war Allen was often heard to say, “every day is a gift.” But it was Allen who was the gift. Allen thanked his Lord by teaching Sunday School at First United Methodist Church in Birmingham for 40 years.

For his lifetime of service to our bar, community, state and country, the Alabama State Bar is honored to present Bibb Allen for induction into the Alabama Lawyers’ Hall of Fame. ~ Ed Sledge

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